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Original Skoda Auto,a.s. FIRST AID KIT

The contents of the car first-aid box corresponds to the valid legislation requirements, that is, the amended Public Notice No. 283/2010 Coll. Among other things, it contains a special thermal foil and clearly laid out pictorial and text manual on how to render first aid in the case of a car accident

9.99 €
X pcs

Description and parameters

- genuine Skoda Auto,a.s. product
- original Skoda first-aid kit

- MSRP: 15.99eur
- 9.99eur !!!

First-aid box contents:
- 3x bandage, complete, with 1 pad – minimum width 8 cm
- 3x bandage, complete, with 2 pads – minimum width 8 cm
- 2x triangular bandage sling made from (unwoven) textile, 960 x 960 x 1360 mm
- 1x plain band aid, coil 2.5 cm x 5 m
- 6x padded band aid 8 cm x 4 cm
- 1x tying rubber bandage, 60 x 1250 mm
- 1x resuscitation mask with expiratory valve and filter
- 1x plastic face mask, 20 x 20 cm
- 1x pair of protective (latex) surgery gloves in a case
- 1x angled scissors in a stainless finish - rounded points
- 1x isothermal foil of a minimum size of 200 x 140 cm
- 1x traffic accident control procedure leaflet

Skoda original tuning styling parts 3T0093108Skoda original tuning styling parts 3T0-093-108

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